Animal pest control

Pest control services across Hawke’s Bay

Animal pest control was the first service GPFS provided to Hawke’s Bay companies such as Carter Holt to Pan Pac Forest Products and has since evolved to be a major part of our business. We provide and carry out extensive training; effectively manage a range of pest control methods; complete large scale operations; and deliver application support for both the larger companies and private landowners alike.

Animal pest control is not just about protecting the native biodiversity and the environment of a landowner’s property. We also work alongside our clients to support their management plans, making it possible for them to develop their property and grow effectively. The end result is that they can make the most out of their land investment.

We’re experts at providing pest control solutions to farms, properties and forestry blocks across Hawke’s Bay. Whether you have a pest problem that you need to control, or you would like to put in place a programme of pest prevention services. Call General and Protection Forestry Services and you know we have the experience to identify the risk, implement a control plan, and protect your property from the damage caused by pests.

Protect your property with pest control

The land across the Hawke’s Bay region is some of the most beautiful in the country and we are not alone in enjoying it. If your property offers the right conditions, you can quickly find that it’s home to rodents, possums, goats, deer and/or pigs.

Pest control and prevention on your property

All of our pest prevention and control solutions begin with us building an understanding your property and how your land is used. A site visit will help us to identify any existing signs of pests, and explore where and how to implement a pest prevention plan.

Trapping is an effective way to identify current rodent pests such as rats, stoats and mice. We can use traps to get an idea of where you have a rodent problem and how widespread they are on your property.

The damage caused by larger pests such as deer and goats is usually the reason why landowners contact us. Whether you’re seeing damage to trees and crops or root damage and push up: we can help you to spot the signs and explore the options to protect your forestry and crops.

We know the conditions that pests are looking for, so we can work with you to set up a proactive pest control programme. Our aim is to protect the investment that you have made in your land and your crop.

We start by exploring your property and identifying current and potential future pest problems. Then we create a pest control plan.

Your pest control plan will present both short term and longer term solutions. Our aim is to remove pests from your property today, and put a system in place to stop them returning in damaging numbers tomorrow. We know where the risks are and we can help you to protect your land and your crop before widespread damage occurs.

We take everything into consideration, from the best and most effective methods of control through to removal of carcasses and whether you want to make use of meat when we’re culling wild pigs, deer and goats.

Our team are trained and certified to use both guns and poisons, allowing us to choose the best solution for quick effective results and long term peace of mind.

Once you have approved our pest control plan, we’ll swing into action and get rid of the pests on your property. Safety is our number one focus at all times, so you can rely on the fact that our team are professional, respectful, and will always work to minimise their impact on your land as they carry out their work.

There are a range of measures that we can put in place on your property to provide long term protection from pests. From fencing solutions that create effective barriers between valuable crops and pests, through to longer term trapping and control plans that help you to monitor the presence of pests and keep their numbers down.

Talk to our team today and we’ll help you to find the right solutions to control pests on your property. We’re happy to travel across the Hawke’s Bay region to help you identify the risks and opportunities to protect your investment.

Not all pests have four legs. We work extensively with landowners across Hawke’s Bay to help them identify, control or eradicate plant pests on their properties. If you’re concerned about damage to your crops or livestock, or you want to put a plan in place to keep them safe – contact us today.

Find out more about Plant Pest Control.

We use powerful chemicals to remove pests from your property. Our team are fully Growsafe certified, and our focus is on the safe handling of chemicals at all times. We use the right amount, with control, and ensure that stringent health and safety measures are in place to protect our team and yours.

Find out more here.

Fencing is an important part of pest control, helping you to ensure that animal pests stay on one side and your crop or livestock are safe on the other. We offer a full range of general and specialised fencing solutions for our customers.

If you have a pest problem and you want to take back control of your land, call General and Protection Forestry Services today.

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